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Energy Policy

Conapto offers secure, energy-efficient, and cost-effective colocation facilities for your physical hardware as well as market-leading access to the cloud. Conapto shall always comply with laws and binding requirements. Conapto’s CEO, management team, and all employees shall acknowledge their legal and moral responsibility to adhere to the laws, regulations, and procedures set forth by Conapto for its energy work.

The energy policy shall be communicated to all employees, our customers, and suppliers, and made available to the public. Through regular meetings, staff shall be informed about rules, procedures, as well as our energy goals and their fulfillment.

Energy Usage

Energy is primarily consumed in the operation of data centers with equipment. Conapto actively works to meet its energy goals and continuously strives to streamline energy consumption in its operations.


Conapto’s suppliers shall be evaluated based on their energy practices. Energy performance shall be a parameter in the procurement of products and consumables.

Conapto’s contact information
For questions about the policy, please contact Conapto.

Telephone number: 08-666 32 00
E-mail address:

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