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Flexibility vs robustness — how to minimize business risks for your data center

In most industries today, there is an ever-changing landscape of risks and threats surrounding companies operating in an international or domestic market. These risks could be digital, financial or physical and they can target different parts of your organization — where your data center is no exception. To acknowledge these risks and devise a strategy for how to deal with them is a prerequisite for surviving in today’s competitive market. Today, we launch the E-book How to minimize business risks for your data center where two concepts are presented which are crucial for dealing with risks: flexibility and robustness.

Flexibility and robustness could be great tools for building a solid posture against threats target at your data center. Robustness, since it ensures that necessary measures are taken to minimize the (unwanted) effects of shifts in market conditions and therefore eliminates any uncertainties. Flexibility on the other hand does not neutralize these effects per se, but simply enables your business to adapt to them.

In this e-book, we elaborate on both of the concepts, what they mean, how they complete each other and how you can utilize them in a beneficial way. We also provide you with a comprehensive checklist for creating a data center solution where flexibility and robustness is used for creating competitive advantage and driving innovation.

We believe that many companies could benefit from deepening their knowledge on how flexibility and robustness can be beneficial for a data center solution. The last year has taught us that market conditions can change — and change fast. When it comes to data center solutions, we find that many companies are stuck with slow and stiff solutions that respond poorly to such market dynamics. With flexibility and robustness in order, a data center solution can be as versatile as any SaaS or software subscription — something we hope to spread awareness regarding with this latest E-book.” says Stefan Nilsson, CCO at Conapto.

The E-book is available for download free of charge today right here on our website.

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